The Circular Letter 15/3 issued by the Commissariat aux Assurances on the new investment rules for life insurance products linked to investment funds has been in force since 01 May 2015. It applies to all new insurance products as well as some pre-existing ones.

This Green Paper discusses the new classification of policyholders into five categories (N, A, B, C, and D) based on their reported wealth and the amount of their premium. A major innovation, awaited by the practitioners, is the decrease of the minimum required premium (e.g. 125,000 EUR) in order to invest in a dedicated fund.

This article also focuses on the “Specialised Insurance Fund”, a new insurance fund defined as an “internal fund, other than a dedicated fund, directly-linked or otherwise, without a guaranteed return and serving as the asset for a single contract”, which is undoubtedly the most significant innovation.

Should you have any queries or require further information, please contact your usual Lombard International Assurance representative.