In February 2021, AM Best reaffirmed an ‘Excellent’ financial rating for Lombard International Group, for the third consecutive year. This rating is in addition to Kroll Bond Rating Agency’s (KBRA) ‘A’ rating in November 2020.

In this new episode of our Coffee Break conversation series, we sat down with Florent Albert, our Group CFO and MD Europe, to discuss and reflect on the key elements behind these ratings and what they do mean for our partners and clients.


What are the key elements behind these ratings?

These ratings look at element such as the Group’s business strategy, operational performance and growth potential of our entities, balance sheet strength, liquidity and capital requirements; all core elements of a company’s sound financial performance.

They are additional proof of the resilience and strength of our business model, especially in such an increasingly complex and uncertain global environment.

What do these ratings mean for your partners and clients?

In these unprecedented times, more than ever, financial discipline is key for any company to adapt to difficult market conditions in the short term, while keeping a laser sharp focus on our long term growth objectives. Lombard International Group remains well capitalised with strong financial foundations and we will continue to maintain this financial discipline.

Our financial strength ratings reflect the Group’s strong position in the European, US and Asian unit-linked/private placement life insurance markets, driven by our deep expertise across multiple jurisdictions, our continued investment in technology and the strength of our balance sheet and liquidity position.

For our partners and clients, this generates further trust and confidence in our business.

What more can you tell us about the strength of Lombard International Group’s business model from a financial perspective?

The Group has a solid fee-based business model which has shown great resilience in the challenging environment of the past few months. Moreover, our strategic long-term choice to be a pure player in the unit-linked/private placement space and to leverage our large geographic footprint across the globe have all proved to be great assets for the company, both strategically and financially.